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Open Auditions: Boeing Boeing

Open Auditions: Boeing Boeing

Marc Camoletti’s hilarious farce!

Feb 7th 2017 for the read-through.
Open audition on the 21st Feb 2017. I will be making audition pieces available early in the New Year.

This hilarious Tony-winning farce by Marc Camoletti is set in 1960`s Paris. It features self-styled lothario Bernard, who has French, German and American fiancees, each beautiful airline hostesses with frequent “layovers”. He keeps “one up, one down and one pending” until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Bernard`s apartment at the same time.

Bernard – American living in Paris. Acting age 40-50
Gloria – American air hostess. Acting age mid 20`s to early 40`s
Bertha – French housekeeper. Acting age 30 to 60
Robert – American visiting Paris. Acting age 40-50
Gabriella – Italian air hostess. Acting age mid 20`s to early 40`s
Gretchen – German air hostess. Acting age mid 20`s to early 40`s

Peter Bressington – Director