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A Chorus of Disapproval – Open Auditions

Key Dates:

Get together/Read-through: Wednesday 24th April 7:30pm
Auditions: Sunday 28th April 1pm (time has changed to 1pm!)
Performances: Weds 10th – Sat 13th July
Rehearsals: Mostly Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7.30
Director: Pete Raine

Auditions will now start at 1pm this Sunday. The director would prefer if everyone could be there at the beginning and then they will be let go once they have auditioned.

The order will be:

Bridget and Linda
Ted and Enid
Ian and Faye
Guy and Dafydd

About the play
If you like comedy and you like singing, and you like Ayckbourn as much as we do, then you might want to audition for this. I’m looking forward enormously to directing it – and having a lot of fun in the process. Scripts are available from Trace on Questions to me on

The Pendon Amateur Light Operatic Society (PALOS) are in the early stages of rehearsals for their next musical production – “The Beggars Opera”. They are joined by a new member – the recently widowed Guy Jones.

In this hilarious comedy by Alan Ayckbourn, we follow Guy as rehearsals progress up to the first performance. Initially shy and diffident, he bumbles up the cast list from a walk-on role to the lead by not saying no to anything, be it a request to obtain confidential information from his company or an offer of illicit sex. The rich array of colourful characters in the cast will be familiar to anyone involved with amateur drama!

Ayckbourn cleverly interweaves music and songs from the Beggars Opera with Guy’s story.

Most of the characters are long standing members of PALOS, and are all involved in the production, so there will be singing considerations for solo and ensemble parts.

All ages are guidelines only – the “fit” of the cast is more important.

Characters in order of appearance
Guy Jones: age 30 to 40 ish . Our hero. Starts as a charming shy character who grows in confidence. Good singing voice needed. One stage kiss with Hannah.

Dafydd ap Llewellyn. Age 30 to 50 ish. A longstanding member of PALOS, and the dominant force as director of the Beggars Opera. Strong and sustained Welsh accent required. One solo song (in Welsh!)

Hannah ap LLewellyn. Age to fit with Dafydd. Dafydd’s long-suffering wife. Not Welsh! A mother figure, she ends up having an affair with Guy. One stage kiss with Guy.

Bridget Baines. Age 20 to 40 ish. A competent and forceful stage manager for PALOS, Crispin’s girlfriend (in competition with Linda). One stage kiss with Crispin.

Mr Ames Accompanist and musical director for PALOS. This role has had to be pre-cast, and will also be the Musical Director for the play.

Ted and Enid Washbrook. Age 40 to 60 ish. A timid sort of couple, who would probably wear matching shell suits and finish each other’s sentences. Parents to Linda.

Linda Washbrook. Age 20ish. Ted and Enid’s wayward and somewhat brittle daughter, competing with Bridget for Crispin’s attention.

Ian and Fay Hubbard. Age 30 to 50 ish The Society’s swingers. He’s a bit of a wide boy, she’s a bit of a vamp, who seduces Guy.

Jarvis and Rebecca Huntley-Pike. 50 plus. Pillars of society. Jarvis is a self-made Northern businessman with accent to match, Rebecca is a social climber with a bit of an alcohol issue.

Crispin Usher. Age 20 – 40 ish. A tough and hostile character, a bit of a stud. Think Marlon Brando. Strong tenor voice preferable. One stage kiss with Bridget.

Chorus of Disapproval Audition Pieces (Click on the page numbers to download the audition piece)

GuyPage 6 – Page 10 (“ Mr dear chap I’m so sorry …….. you’re not in need of the music are
you?” ) To include “Ar Hyd Y Nos” but not in Welsh.

DaffyddPage 6 – Page 10 (“ Mr dear chap I’m so sorry …….. you’re not in need of the music are
you?” ) To include “Ar Hyd Y Nos” but not in Welsh.

HannahPage 39 – Page 41 (“ It’s these friends of ours ……. It’s very boring of me”) with Guy

Bridget and LindaPage 76 – Page 79 (“ Am I then bilk’d of my virtue ……. She keeps doing it all the time”) with Dafydd

Ted and EnidPage 27 – Page 28. (“Goodnight Ted, Enid. ……….. all through the night”) with Dafydd

RebeccaPage 94 – Page 95 (“ Now, this little favour …… a sort of poetic justice wouldn’t it”) with Guy

JarvisPage 86 – Page 88. (“ May I have a quick word with you …….. I’ll see you right”) with Guy

Ian and FayePage 59 – Page 63 (“ Look I might as well say this …… What is she . On skates? “) with Guy

CrispinPage 83 – Page 84 (“ As for you…… ‘Bye all) with Dafydd

Characters in italics are not audition pieces, simply in a supporting role!

There will be some simple voice auditions – nothing more complicated than a verse of the national anthem or similar.