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Amadeus – Open Auditions

Dates & FAQs
Performance Dates: 3rd – 6th April
Read through: Friday 5th January 7:30pm
Auditions: Friday 12th January 7:30pm

Amadeus by Peter Shaffer is a stunning exploration of jealousy and music with a rich historical backdrop. This production is being put forward for the 2024 KDAs, so no pressure!
Scripts can be collected from Trace P ( and any questions can be sent to me ( Character descriptions and audition pieces below.

The production will be modernish dressed with embellishments of the time, and will feature a small ensemble of characters to help us build up the world.

Character Descriptions
Salieri – the ‘hero’ of the piece. Our narrator, and protagonist. A gifted, but not genius composer, frustrated and annoyed by Mozart’s talent. A massive part – not for the faint of heart, but incredibly juicy. Cunning, clever and a rakish wit. A lot of Italian pronunciation to be done, but not necessarily an accent Any gender, older than Mozart (at least late 30s/early 40s)
Mozart – the most annoying man in the universe, but we still have to like him (difficult to do, I know!). Almost childlike in many ways, but a genius with music. Very uncouth but somewhat charming. Also a very large part. Male, at most late 30s.
Venticello 1 & 2 – the ‘little winds’, they are Salieri’s spies and informants. Frequently talk together or in tandem, need to have good chemistry. Any gender, any age.
Constanze – Mozart’s loving wife, a little uncouth, but dedicated to her husband. Aware, however, of his flaws. Female, at most late 30s.
Joseph II – the Emperor of Austria. Must be able to exude authority. Well, there it is. Any gender, any age.
Rosenberg – director of the Imperial Opera. On the larger sider, and haughty with it. Any gender, any age
Van Swieten – nicknamed “Lord Fugue” due their serious demeanour and lack of sense of humour. Any gender, any age.
Von Strack – a stiff and proper court official. Any gender, any age.

Non-speaking roles – these will be shared out between both the above actors (not Salieri, Mozart or Costanze) but there will also be dedicated “non-speaking ensemble”
• Citizens, Courtiers, Servants
• Katherine – Salieri’s promising pupil, has affairs with both Salieri and Mozart. Female, similar to Salieri
• Teresa – Salieri’s wife Female, at most late 30s
• Cappellmeister Bonno – another court official whose job is to die.

Audition Pieces
Venticelli 1&2- pgs 2-7 (“I don’t believe it” until “Did he do it after all?”)
Salieri – pgs 60-60 (“Capisco! I know my fate” until “it says only one name – Mozart!”
Mozart & Von Strack – pgs 40-42 (“Seven months in this city” to “just a joke” – cut the Venticelli lines)
Mozart & Constanze – pgs 21-22 (“I think you’re scared to death” to “in the bed and shout ‘I did it’”)
Salieri & Joseph II – pg 65-66 (“Herr Sommer” to “as far as Mozart was concerned”)
Salieri – pg 124-125 (“So I stayed in the city of musicians” to “Every scrap”)
Van Sweiten, Von Strack, Rosenberg, Salieri – pgs 16-17 (“You are required to commission” to “of
course Baron”)